Save the Reefs. Save the World.
Great Barrier Reef Foundation is dedicated to protecting the Reef and the animals that depend on it. Damaged by climate change and pollution, their mission is to regenerate and restore the Reef, which is recognized as one of the seven wonders of the natural world.
Working with First Nations
Specific attention is given to First Nations voices and practices in these efforts, which we enthusiastically applaud. From high-impact conservation efforts to breeding threatened coral species, their mission brings together people, science and technologies facing The Great Barrier Reef and coral reefs globally.
Become a Seagrass Savior
Katoans are raising $1 million USD for a ground-breaking initiative to replant and restore seagrass meadows amongst the reef. As one of the Reef’s most important habitats, seagrasses are carbon sinks, acting like enormous sponges to absorb and store carbon. They also provide food, shelter, and nurseries for many marine mammals. This program pilots methods for restoration at scale, and a toolkit of resources including a range of seagrass species.
Here's how funds from KATOA will be spent:
$450,000 for building seagrass nurseries.
$170,000 for training staff to run nursery and rear seagrass flowers.
$380,000 for seed dispersal, and ongoing nursery management (over 3 years)
Large onshore nurseries allow researchers to study what seagrass seeds need to survive and thrive.
Seagrass grown in nurseries also provides abundant seeds, which are replanted to restore underwater seagrass meadows.
Researchers have pioneered techniques for replanting seeds in damaged meadows, using drones to reach remote areas.
Large onshore nurseries allow researchers to study what seagrass seeds need to survive and thrive.
Read more about this critical work at the link below.